Friday, July 6, 2007



(photo by olof @ PicturePush)
The picture shows a lighthouse near the sea on the coast. The lighthouse in the picture like any other light house has a small room at the top.

Lighthouses were built to aid ships and also pilot age at sea. It can be said to be a tall tower like structure and it is generally used to send out light signals from lamps and passing them through lenses. In earlier times fire was used in place of electric lamps. These were built mostly in places were there was a dangerous coastline below the water surface.

New age lighthouses are solar powered and has a non rotating flashing light situated on a steel tower. The single flash light became a problem later on with the navigators hence a new system of lights were developed later on known as range lights which consists of two lights , thus serves as better aid to navigators.

Lighthouses are often used as a symbol by various agencies. It id a well known fact that marriage encounter uses a lighthouse as its symbol.

Some kind of rooms can be seen in the background, it can be quarters provided for the lighthouse keepers. Lighthouse keepers were appointed in those times when automated

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